
Surah hashr
Surah hashr

They were living settled lives in largely self-sustained forts. They settled in the city in the hope of joining the final Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

surah hashr

Their forefathers were scholars of the Torah which gave a detailed description of the last Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and his migration to Madinah Munawwarah.

surah hashr

Among them was the Banu Nadheer, descendants of Prophet Haroon alaihis salaam. The Jewish tribes had settled in the old Yathrib which was to become Madinah Munawwarah. Learn a lesson, then, O you endowed with insight.” (Quran 59:2) But Allah came upon them from an unexpected quarter and cast such terror into their minds that their houses were pulled down by their own hands as well as by the hands of the believers. You did not think they would go, and they thought their strongholds would defend them against Allah. “It was He (Allah) who drove those who suppressed the truth from among the People of the Book out of their homes at an early stage of the siege. Lesson 1: Situations can change drastically and rapidly The person who recites it on a regular basis will be regarded as a martyr when he/she will die.There are several lessons in Surah Hashr, the 59 th chapter of the Noble Quran, which are relevant to our current situation and which can be applied to our lives in general: Surah Al-Hashr is a Surah with which you gain success in every aspect of your life whenever you recite it. If four Raka’ats are offered with Surah Al-Hashr recited in it, then the person will be successful in every important work he does with the condition that it is not a sin.Ģ. If Surah Al-Hashr is recited for a time period of forty days without missing a day, then it will make even the hardest task easier. Wazifa for Having Success in Every Work Done:ġ.

  • Its recitation helps a person to be successful in every work done.
  • The recitation of this Surah makes the work easier.
  • Drinking water in which Dam of this surah is done is good for memory and concentration.
  • If a person recites both Surah Al-Rahman and Surah Al-Hashr, then one angel will be assigned to protect him/her at all times.
  • The one who recites it will die as a martyr.
  • It is narrated that whoever recites this Surah will be sent salutations from the angels, the Heavens, the Earth, the trees, the birds, the sun and the moon and these will pray for the forgiveness of his/her sins.
  • Some of the Jews settled at the Khyber, a place near Madina, and some went to Syria. They were the Jews who broke their treaty that was signed with the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). That is also how other tribes were exiled. The first Jewish tribe that was exiled was Banu Qainuqa, who started to harass the Muslims openly after the Battle of Badr. This was the reason why the Jews had a national ideal of resistance and opposition to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). This made the Jews realize that it might be a disaster for their economy. Moreover, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) had put an end to the unlawful and mutual dealings. When the Jews witnessed the development of brotherhood within the people, they understood that they would not be able to create any discord between them. When Islam came to Yathrib, the first thing it created within the people was brotherhood and unity.

    surah hashr

  • To maintain their control over Yathrib, they did not allow the Arabs to unite and kept them fighting against each other.
  • They had set up shops in different areas where they sold wine that was imported from Syria.
  • They were very advanced in cloth weaving as well.
  • They also did poultry farming and fishing.
  • They also did trade with the outside world which improved their business of importing grain in Yathrib and exporting dried dates to other countries.
  • They knew the ways that were unknown to the Arabs.
  • They were much stronger than the Arabs economically as they had migrated from more civilized and culturally advanced countries like Palestine and Syria.
  • They completely adopted Arabism in their way of life, language, dress and cultivation.
  • However, with the help of Ghassanide’s, they were able to gain complete dominance over Yathrib, forcing the Jews to establish their headquarters outside the city.Īt that time the main features of the Jews position were as follows: Therefore, they hardly produced for their own survival.

    surah hashr

    That is the reason why they settled on lands that were not yet been brought under cultivation. As Yathrib was under Jewish domination, they, at the beginning, did not allow the Aus and Khazraj tribe to gain some control.

    Surah hashr